Sunday, November 03, 2019

Banking 101

'lending' from the bank is 'selling a security' to the bank
(in bank terms)

the bank-loan is "registered" in your account - not 'transferred' as we tend to think. (the bank creates the loan from thin air and it disappears upon repayment)

when you 'deposit' your money in your account, you LEND it, that money is for the bankers to speculate with, all they wish.  (no 'sale of a security', no bank-ownership to you for your loan)

all is well with the economy when banks lend money, if this money-creation serves wealth creation

otherwise, when banks lend for the purpose of a purchase (financial transaction), there will be 
  • inflation
  • growing inequality

banks banks banks, when they fail we must bail

big banks use a foreign address since 1688 - the City of London
big banks reign supreme
the City of London (Corporation) is not a part of the UK or the EU, it has no democratic elections 
the City, is that a sovereign non-state feudal entity?

who own this entity, the City of London?
does an entity like City of London, the Vatican or Washington DC have a seat in the UN?

Woke Economists:

Robert Jameson

Dirtk Bezemer Debt
van Houts (Ons Geld) met Ad Broere
J Edward Griffin - FED monopoly creation 
James Corbett WW1 - empire in the 20th century

Paul Craig Roberts
Yannis Farouvakis 
Richard Wolff
Nick Hannauer
Mark Blyth
Ewald Engelen
Henry George

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