This UN related body acts on behalve of New World Order / Great Reset (WEF) planners, a private club. Its sponsors have poor track records and conflicting interests.
Surprisingly, the director of WHO is not a medic but a fugitive charged with genocide in his home country.
WHO's 'One-Health' concept goes from less care to no care 'for the greater good'. (See Dr Jack Kruse splendid rebuttal in 'Decentralize Medicine': )
Sponsor Bill Gates, was once a feared monopolist in (virus prone) PC software, Windows. (Originally in cahoots with national spy agencies set up as a strategic asset). In retirement, Gates morphed into a vaccin guru. From pc viruses to actual vaccins? A small step - if care is of no concern. Gates has long been the front of a group of financial interests. Never mind a pro-eugenetic background, a profit motive or misdeeds like crippling hundreds of girls, earning Gates a ban in India. The WHO treats Gates like a head of state. Chairing a WHO subsidiary (Gavi) Gates enjoys diplomatic immunity.
Retired, in philantropy, Gates managed to double his fortune - since 2005. Gates intimately cooperated with dr Fauci, the exposed fraudster. They are jointly responsible for repressing effective Covid treatments like Ivermectine, HCQ / Quinine (proven harmless).
WHO facilitated the roll-out of mRNA vaccins by changing Corona from a common flu to emergency status, late 2019, for no compelling reason but right in time to facilitate 'unforeseen' the Corona Outbreak Bonanza (a $100 billion Pharma profit) by providing pretext and panic to massively administer experimental mRNA shots. Given on temporary EU licenses by the way, limited to individual cases - as has been disclosed recently.
Disaster capitalism at its finest.
Pharma's experimental mRNA shots had already been tested unsafe and ineffective, before their roll out in 202, harming fertility in particular.m tell Pfizer's internal documents, documents initially deemed to be secret for seventy years.
Pharmaceutical companies are shielded from accountability in concealed contracts in this case and contracted large subsidies. Truth findings and cases of injury have been suppressed effectively supposedly by coercion and cooptation.
The experimental mRNA 'jabs' (licensed off label / for individual use) came without medical leaflet. No cliƫnt could have given informed consent as is required. Thousands of medical workers blew the whistle, many left their field and calling, and hundreds of independent studies have now shown the jabs brought grave and lethal ailments to millions of people. Also healthy young people - sudden deaths of pilots, soccer players, tv presenters, surged. There is irrefutable evidence that mRNA shots are not safe and effective. Some hard nosed power networks apparently oppose the news to go main stream.
One study is particularly clear:
The 'vaccin' roll out date in each particular region corresponds exactly to the onset of the mortality rise and birth rates decline (continuing since 2021), as is shown in official death reports, a vast, international and particularly reliable record. Stunningly, the graphs from monitoring agencies show Covid jabs causing lethal injury an order magnatures higher than any prior vaccine.
The proclaimed effect on viral transmission was never tested. But governments played along and targeted the public with a sales pitch, morally coercing the unvaccinated to comply, 'protect society' - demonizing the conscious critics as irresponsible virus spreaders, an inversion of reality.
Native protocols developed over time, sensibly have been discarded suddenly worldwide on behest of WHO's quackery. This exposes a vulnerabilty of humanity, and the importance of feedback, transparency and decentralized power / Medicine. Absolute power corrupts.
Still we await a full evaluation of WHO's solistic (mis)management of the pandemic - one they co-created.
Why bother? A similar crisis can happen any time. For that WHO is already seeking extended management rights - and indemnity!
Authoritative expertise is still suppressed in most institutions - coerced to comply to faux authority serving Transnational Industries.
Dutch and German politicians have recently disclosed the real management structure of the 'pandemic' involving the WHO and NATO / NCTV. In fact the scientific board(s) took orders from politicians - each country maintaining an illusion of autonomy and medical integrity. Without medical purpose the affair seems to have been a public drill and exercise testing the global governance.
Nobel prize winner Luc de Montagnier, mNRA pioneer dr Malone, best selling author Naomi Wolf, dr Martin (a EU inspector), Frontline doctors of the USA, thousands of professionals, the Barrington Declaration they can't be all wrong. Yet their conclusions are kept out of our headlines.
Please consider the facts one by one. Don't Take My word for it. Consider the particulars in the light of the general breakdown of official scrutiny and transparency in Western society, politics and media. Globalist powers seem to have lackeys at key positions. It is up to woke minds to decide WHO to be trusted and demand accountability.
Only governments can stop WHO.
Indeed, reality is weirder than fiction sometimes. It exists regardless of our expectations and your scope of mind.