Monday, September 23, 2024

Onzekere nazomer

Begrijpen we het nog?

Ik hoef die nieuwe muizen niet te vertellen wat er bij mij in huis helemaal niet te halen valt. Geen brood, geen koek, ... Zij rollen piepend door de kamer. Wat denken die te komen doen?

Neen dat zoeken we zelf wel uit!

zoals een volwassen kind niet wil horen dat ik iets vaag vind of niet begrijp

zoals je een schrijvende vriendin niet vermaant de lezer niet te onderschatten noch te belasten

zoals je niet elke medicus moet vertellen dat gezondheid stoelt op gezond voedsel

zoals de fanate tv kijker niet wil weten dat we misschien niet genoeg weten

zoals bange vrienden oorzaak en gevolg (agressie en reactie) niet meer kunnen herinneren - zelfs omgekeerde volgorden beleven, in jaren van slordige berichtgeving 

zoals je een Volkskrant redacteur niet moet bellen omdat Maurice (de Hond, progressief en onafhankelijk) niet rechts is, zoals hij wordt geafficheerd,

en dat feiten van belang zijn (zoals de recente mislukking van het Nivel coronarapport), en dat feiten nieuwswaardig kunnen zijn ongeacht welke politieke geur - juist in een pandemie van onwetendheid, deze samenleving die gespleten is door informatie ongelijkheid en 'pc' zwart wit denken

of ook maar eens itereren dat Links en Rechts, twee armen van één lichaam, nu onhoudbare labels zijn in de zin van progressief of repressief 

zoals je Biden, Rutte, Schoof, noch Von der Leyen kan verklappen dat de Brics ('as van het kwaad') gelijkwaardigheid betracht, een progressief streven - door samenwerking, dialoog, wederzijdse souvereiniteit als pijlers van beleid, antwoorden op repressief liberalisme van World Bank tot Petro dollar

of met de deur in Paleis en huis te vallen, dat de genocides, dan wel 'oorlogen' (voor wie denkt aan 'hebben' het particuliere - niet aan zijn, het universele) aan de periferie van het Atlantische Lebensraum, onacceptabel zijn - niet een beetje ondemocratisch, een beetje onverantwoordelijk, een beetje link, helemaal hun schuld en een beetje ver van ons bed

zoals je mij niet moet vertellen dat ik te veel woorden gebruik - nu even niet!

maar het klopt wel uiteindelijk. Ik heb er geen woorden voor

Monday, August 26, 2024

Who is wise?



three minutes of truth, unabated

We are voting responsibly. We are free, so green and humanist. The enlightenment and lessons of history made us beacons of light in this murky world. So we can't let a genocide (or two) come between us and a vote for the Uniparty!

People you never heard of, speak in similar tone. On speakerscorner, X or Rumble: (And on Main street surely, but once in a blue moon only, a free speech travesty of sorts.)

"...The United States and Europe have been like ships sailing on a sea of blood. The blood of Africa, the blood of Latin America, the blood of the Middle east and the blood of Asia. And you even had us in the bottom of that ship rowing like galley slaves. You are nothing but pirates. Like I said, nothing makes that clearer today than your behavior towards Gaza, your stance on Palestine.

I don't think that there's been a genocide that you didn't support. From Congo to California, from the Philippines to Palestine, you didn't even fight the Nazis to stop the Holocaust. That was just your retroactive rationale. It wasn't the millions of Jews. It was 2,000 marines at Pearl harbor that got you into the war. At Pearl Harbor, a military base on yet another territory colonized by the United States. And in response to that, you carpet bombed civilians in Germany. You murdered 80,000 innocent people in an instant in Hiroshima and another 40,000 at Nagasaki in an instant, all in so-called self-defense.

You make up the rules as you go. You always have. And then, even then, the rules that you make up on the fly, you still don't even follow those. That's because you're violent. You are violent, and you believe in violence. What was that that Netanyahu said? We're the People of The Light: bombing women and babies, hospitals, churches dropping white phosphorus on people to burn their skin off, blowing up entire city blocks of innocent civilians.

That's the People of The Light. You think that your violence is sacred. You think it's holy, sanctified atrocities. The more wanton, the more savage, the more beautiful and inspiring it is to you. Because you think that the more violent you are, and the more you're able to get away with that violence, the more it means that you're justified, the more it means that you are superior. And the superior always have the right to do whatever they want, don't they? No matter how sadistic it is. No matter how sadistic and how evil it is, if you can get away with it, if you can get away with being sadistic and evil, then you think it's proof of your superiority.

And anyone who opposes you or expects you to follow any kind of rules is committing the ultimate crime of questioning your superiority. You're the people of the light, after all. And anyone who expects you to act like a normal, decent, law-abiding human being, they must be people of the darkness. And when you say Israel has the right to defend itself, what you're really saying is they have the right to defend their supremacy, and no one has the right to challenge it. That's what you're really saying. Everyone in the world knows."


Who is he? I really don't know. Cancel culture does not permit to have us make sense (deviating from political ''correctness' mind you) and let anoth fluent and articulate Martin Luther King or John F Kennedy, disrupt the apple chart, in a hierarchy of power.

Thats all I know.


What's next. To list all progressive Silenced Voices is no small feat. John Lennon, Benazir Buttho, Aaron Schwartz, Arjen Kamphuis (and to a large extent Julian Assange, Imran Khan, Yannis Farouvakis, Jeremy Corbin, premier Whitlam, Gorbachev, Bernadette Devlin, Chris Hedges, Kongrijp, Elon Musk) Joanne of Arc, Pim Fortuyn, Theo van Gogh, J Paff en E Veterman, Hugo Chavez, Yitzak Rabin (il), Frans van der Lugt (Syria), Ahmad Shah Massoud (Afghanistan), Olaf Palme (se), Malcolm X (vs), Che Gevarra (bo), Moammar Gadhaffi Patrice Lumumba, Jean Léon Jaurès (fr, 1914), ...

Let's pause


Let's continue

Violence of this magnitude against agents of progress must be stifling humanity. That pattern is a common threat, then wouldn't we all want to know that? Of course control of information is key. And what else may be in jeopardy? The spirit? Of course. 

Would it have to do with the premature passing of influential rebels and inspiring mucisians we all knew? Authentic individuals, Morrison, Hendrix, Corbain, Tafkap, Jackson, Marley, Ten cents, Harrison, Lennon, Bowie, James Dean or others. 

Why the curb that way, why the end of an independent civil rights movement for instance a gradual cultural downgrade in the West?

While churches closed to become shops and fitness centers, there came a surge in distractions, free of charge: internet porn. Who pays that movie industry that has no business model you may wonder. Its just weird. 
